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Test Automation on iOS

Raphael Haase • Feb 09, 2023

Mobile devices have revolutionized the way people access, use and interact with technology. Apple devices such as iPhones and iPads are at the forefront of this change, providing high-performance hardware that supports a wide range of advanced applications. However, testing these applications can be extremely challenging. To ensure that applications on iOS devices meet their intended quality and performance targets, developers often turn to test automation for assistance.

An overview of testing on iOS

We will give you a quick overview here of the most common tools for test automation in developing iOS applications:

  • XCUITest: for testing your UI,
  • XCTest: for testing your business logic and
  • Snapshot testing (to make sure your apps looks the same before and after an update).

Introduction to Test Automation on iOS

Test automation is the process of executing a set of pre-defined tests to validate an application’s functionality. Test automation can drastically reduce the time and effort required to test an application, while ensuring that quality is maintained throughout its development cycle. It also allows testers to quickly identify any potential problems or bugs in the software before they impact end users.

What is XCUITest?

XCUITest is an automation framework developed by Apple to enable test automation on iOS devices. It allows developers to create automated tests that interact directly with the application UI, providing a reliable and efficient way of validating its functionality. The framework also supports both manual and continuous testing, allowing testers to quickly identify any potential problems.

What is XCTest?

XCTest is Apple’s unit testing framework for iOS applications, providing developers with a powerful and flexible way of validating their application logic. It also provides support for asynchronous testing, allowing tests to run in the background while other tests are being executed.

What is Snapshot Testing?

Snapshot testing is a method of automated testing that allows developers to quickly validate the UI of an application. It involves taking “snapshots” of the application at various stages of its development and verifying that these snapshots match up with expected results. This type of testing can be especially useful for identifying and resolving UI-related issues before they reach end users. 

Why you should automate your testing

Test automation on iOS is an invaluable tool for developers, providing a fast and reliable way of validating their applications’ functionality and UI. XCUITest, XCTest and snapshot testing are the three main components of this process, each offering its own unique set of features and benefits. By leveraging the power of these tools, developers can ensure that their applications are of the highest quality before they reach end users.

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